At nanoComposix, we help clients develop innovative and practical solutions for the fabrication of precisely engineered nanomaterials. Collaboration is a key driver in technology development and by openly sharing data and results with our clients, we can rapidly solve fabrication and integration challenges. Our multidisciplinary team of scientists and engineers brings decades of nanofabrication and processing expertise to accelerate commercial development.
Case Studies
During the last 15+ years, we’ve successfully completed hundreds of custom manufacturing and collaborative R&D projects for government, academic and industrial companies in a wide variety of industries. Increasingly, we are a “plug-in” R&D and manufacturing component for start-up companies that need to rapidly take a concept through prototype and production. For larger companies, we provide a highly confidential work environment where both technology and intellectual property are generated to maximize future value and protection. Listed below are a number of case studies that provide examples of successful collaborative R&D projects:

Drugs & Diagnostics for Tropical Diseases
Client: DDTD
Drugs & Diagnostics for Tropical Diseases (DDTD), a non-profit organization with a mission to discover new treatments and diagnostics for neglected tropical diseases, developed a LFA for the detection of Loa loa, one of the parasites that cause river blindness. Gold nanoshells were used as the detection particle to increase the assay sensitivity. Learn more.

Photothermal Nanoparticle for Acne Treatment
Client: Sienna Biopharmaceuticals
A photothermal acne treatment was co-developed with Sienna Biopharmaceuticals. The topical photoparticle therapy uses a high concentration formulation of silica shelled silver nanoplates that are delivered to the acne lesion via massage. When exposed to an infrared laser, thermal injury to the sebaceous gland permanently reduces oil production leading to an acne cure. Learn more.

Establishing nanoComposix as Second Supplier for GMP Topical Therapeutic
A customer required a second source for a topical therapeutic with a nanoparticle component. A Manufacturing Master Record (MMR) and Manufacturing Batch Records (MBRs) were provided to nanoComposix for all intermediates, and the synthesis of the nanoparticle component was replicated at nanoComposix. Learn more.
Targeted silica coated iron oxide nanoparticles for in-vivo delivery to tumors

Client: Johns Hopkins University
Magnetic/silica nanocomposite particles were functionalized with a humanized anti-prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) using a covalent binding strategy that targeted PSMA-positive cell lines. Non-specific background was minimized via the development of a mixed monolayer of polyethylene glycol molecules at the particle surface. In-vivo data showed targeted delivery and tumor reduction when the magnetic nanoparticles were heated via an applied alternating magnetic field.

Silver Nanoparticle Reference Material with Multi-Year Shelf Life
Client: US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
In collaboration with NIST scientists, a dried silver nanoparticle formulation was developed that can be re-dispersed without any aggregation. Tests have shown that the silver nanoparticles have a multi-year shelf life. Material for over 1000 reference material samples was delivered.

Anisotropic Silver Nanoparticles For Compression Wound Dressing
Client: Wound Dressing Start-up
Shaped silver nanoparticles with very high ion release rates were surface functionalized and bound to a composite wound compression dressing for the treatment of wounds and ulcers. During a subsequent clinical trial, some patients who had multi-year persistent wounds were completely healed within 8 weeks.

Self Healing Composites for Cryogenic Applications
Client: Aerospace Composite Start-up
Nanoenabled composites structures with high thermal and electrical conductivity in a self-healing polymer matrix were designed and tested under cryogenic cycling conditions. The nanoparticles additives increased performance at very low loading densities.

Plasmonic Materials for Increasing Efficiency of Solar Cells
Client: Solar Start-up
Plasmonic nanoparticles with high scattering coefficients were integrated into solar panels to increase the efficiency of thin film solar cells. A surface functionalization and deposition method was developed to ensure homogeneous coatings over large surface areas.

Silver Nanoparticles for Antimicrobial Water Filtration
Client: Water Filtration Company
Designed a high surface area substrate containing silver nanoparticles for long term antimicrobial protection of water filtration units used in Africa.

Highly Compressed Aerosolizable Nanopowders
Client: Edgewood Chemical Biological Center
A high extinction anisotropic nanopowder was compression packed in a grenade format to produce a obscuration device that rapidly creates a visible and infrared blocking cloud for personnel and vehicle protection.

Non-Fading Plasmonic Coatings for Mobile Devices
Client: Fortune 100 Consumer Electronics Company
Developed methods to uniformly distribute non-fading plasmonic materials onto a polycarbonate substrate for consumer electronics applications. Film color and uniformity were homogeneous and colors did not fade even after extended exposure to intense UV light.
Why Choose nanoComposix?
Scientific Rigor
We select performance metrics based on the requirements of the final product, and identify the critical parameters for the development of high yield, scalable and reproducible manufacturing and processing methods.
Full Disclosure
Interested in seeing weekly or monthly summaries of our data and results? We provide written reports, access to lab notebooks, and regular conference calls to answer questions and collaboratively make strategic decisions about the project direction.
Our interdisciplinary team has a proven history of developing innovative solutions to tough problems and delivering cost-effective solutions that exceeds our customer's expectations.
Our partnership, as well as all work and data associated with the R&D effort, will remain fully confidential.
Whether you work for a government agency, non-profit foundation, academic institution, or commercial business, the nanoComposix team can help you.